Thousands Of Demonstrators In Jordan Denounce The Resumption Of Israeli Aggression On Gaza

Thousands of Jordanians demonstrated to denounce the resumption of Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip with American support.

The demonstrators condemned what they described as the complicity and failure of Arab regimes to support Gaza. They denounced American support for the Israeli enemy with weapons and political cover for its crimes, demanding that the Jordanian government halt all forms of normalization with the occupation.

The chants chanted by the Jordanians condemned American support for the Israeli enemy, including military, economic, and political support, and condemned the complete cover provided by the Israeli occupation to resume its aggression on the Gaza Strip.

The demonstration, which brought together thousands of Jordanians in the heart of the Jordanian capital, Amman, included chants of praise for the Yemeni Armed Forces for their decision to resume bombing operations in the occupied Palestinian territories, the most recent of which occurred hours before this demonstration.

In addition, the Yemeni Armed Forces’ decision to ban all commercial activities and movements to and from the Israeli occupation across the Red Sea.