The tourism industry plays a significant role in Fiji’s economy but also contributes greatly to waste generation, and according to an International Union for Conservation of Nature report, tourists produce seven times more plastic waste per person per day than ordinary households.
This issue was highlighted by the founder of Pacific Recycling Foundation, Amitesh Deo at the Pacific Recycling Foundation Roundtable Discussion at the Tokatoka Resort in Nadi which was attended by several leaders from the government, private sector, development partners and the tourism industry.
Deo says they have previously faced a lot of obstacles when trying to highlight the crisis of improper waste disposal as it could have a negative impact on the tourism industry.
Deo says they were getting Letters to the Editor about whether it was correct to highlight waste management as an issue when the country is so dependent on tourism.
He says this narrative needs to change and resorts and hotels need to realise that they are big contributors to waste generation in the country.
He says the country will always welcome tourists but that should not hinder them from tackling the problems generated by the tourism industry and that there are resorts that are working to reduce the waste footprint.
Assistant Minister for Foreign Affairs Lenora Qereqeretabua says one of the ways hotels have addressed this is by making use of dispensers.
She says hotels are using dispensers in the bathrooms instead of the small bottles of shampoos and conditioners and the same could be done for soft drinks and water to reduce the use of plastic bottles.
Senior ANZPAC Program Manager, Angela Mayer says hotels and resorts should make use of refillable items instead of takeaway plastic items to help reduce waste generation.
She says there can also be an educational element added to hotels and tourists can be educated on how they can reduce the amount of waste they produce.
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